Wow! Season half over
The rainy season proved reluctant to leave but it seems to be over now. there’ll still be odd rainy days of course and the bad weather in the USA does impact us here. Cold fronts come down from continental US and bring with them winds from the opposite direction to the prevailing trade winds so choosing anchorages is vital if you don’t want to roll around all night. “Cold Front” is a relative term however and temperatures rarely fall below mid 20’s c (high 70's f) even overnight so we don’t need woolies.
r of our Rally buddies here and I think this will be our last season in the Western Caribbean. We’ve loved our time here but the restless spirit says move on. so we are starting to think about next year, Cuba, the Eastern Caribbean, Bahamas. but right now we still have half a season so we are taking on board a new challenge, some welcome cremates and a dwindling list of bays and anchorages we haven’t yet dropped our hook in.
The new challenge is a creative project to help a charity here called ROAR Like many Caribbean islands animals are often neglected and ROARs mission is to rescue, rehabilitate and rehome often in US or Canada. They are close to being able to build a dedicated reception centre with free healthcare, education and rehab facilities. The charity is run by our good friend Sherri Visker, she and Brian run one of a favourite bars in Jonesville and she and a wide group of volunteers work tirelessly for animals in need.
I have seen their work with my own eyes - all volunteer based, including 28 emaciated horses neglected when their owner died and hundreds of cats, dogs etc. They are an awesome bunch. and there are some great musicians, photographers and artists on the Island so I’m working on doing a promo video to attract volunteers and raise both awareness and funding.. We’d like to do a video with images of before and after and the usual emotional and hopefu, uplifting mix and the song we’d like to record (live aid style) is Safe Place to Land by Sara Bareilles
I’m an innocent when it comes to copyright but I do know its a minefield so I’ve written to her management in NYC and Epic records for permission so fingers crossed we get it. then we just persuade someone to give us a studio for free and hey presto.