We dreamt of far off shores and tall ships, white sails and starlit nights

Alan & Terry Ryall

Family, boats, motorcycles, music, travel, we’ve shared them, all for more than 40 years. We’ve faced good times and bad together and now we get to live the dream because of all the hard work but mostly because of all the love.

  • Dream

    As young boy on holiday in St Ives Cornwall, i lookied down into the harbour at a small wooden dinghy and wondered if I would ever be rich enough to own one and sail away. Since that day life has been good to us, Terry and I found each other and together have owned many lovely boats that have carried us safely over the horizon. Yet the dreams of the young boy remain. The thrill has never left and there's always another horizon

  • Plan

    The plan took time. and a lot of work to finance the dream with more than a few sacrifices and risks. We learned sailing and navigation skills from the UK's south coast most weekends, winter and summer, with longer trips to France, Belgium and Holland whenever we could get away. The Channel Islands and Brittany coast were tough classrooms with their tidal ranges reaching 40', rocky passages and wild tide races. There can be no better place to learn lessons the hard way and we're still learning.

  • Do it.

    The true journey began in Seminole Wind, Dec 2011 sailing to Guernsey in a gale. She is an Island Packet 465 built in Florida in 2010, she was the UK showboat for a year and we bought her new in Souhampton UK and commissioned her in November 2011. After 2 years in the UK Channel Islands, passage down to Lanzarote and then across the Atlantic to Antigua. Since then we have cruised the US east coast and returned to circumnavigate the Caribbean several times